i've fallen out of favour, [ ... ]

and i've fallen from grace.


about: ㅤhi! my name is zara ( she/her pronouns), i'm 23 years of age and in the gmt timezone. i'm super friendly and love getting to know my rp partners so please don't ever be afraid to jump into my ims or askbox about anything! discord is available to mutuals & i like to write there too so please don't hesitate to ask for the user if you'd like it!following back: ㅤthis blog is mutuals only. this means that i will only interact with those who i follow back. please don't take offence if i don't follow back, it's honestly nothing personal! i just like to keep my dash as minimal as possible to ensure that i'm not overwhelmed. if we are mutuals, it means i would really love to interact so please come approach me about plotting, browse my wishlist or send in some memes! please only follow this blog if you are 21 or over.triggers: ㅤdark themes and nsfw will be present on this blog. everything will be tagged accordingly in a word tw format, but please let me know if you need me to change this or if you need me to tag anything that i've forgotten! all i ask is that you please tag any nsfw content.

faceclaims: ㅤ i won't follow back any characters that are based on real people, dead or alive. i also won't write with deceased fcs or any fcs that are problematic.memes: ㅤmemes are always open to mutuals and do not have an an expiry date so please send them no matter when they were reblogged. they're some of the best ways for me to build connections with characters & to start threads so i really love receiving them! please ask before turning a meme into a thread! if you don't, i probably won't reply. also please reblog from the source where possible, thank you!credits: ㅤall graphics on this blog were edited by me, using psds from somresources, plutocommissions, venuscommissions, jaynedits and the icon border was created by ofwiltcdsunflowrs! please im me if you'd like to know which psds were used for individual graphics and i'll be happy to link you to them!if you have any questions, or would ever like to chat about anything, then please hop into my ims or askbox! i promise i don't bite.


name: ㅤlucia eva damora.
age: ㅤ23.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman sorceress.

❝ the sorceress reborn.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤpale.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤcrystal reed.

parents: ㅤgaius & althea damora (adopteD)
siblings: magnus damora (adopteD).
titles: princess lucia, the sorceress reborn.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlimeros, mytica.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤprincess.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** death, suicide, pregnancy..a girl who's life was written in the stars: lucia is the prophesied sorceress, the successor of eva: a powerful sorceress who died hundreds of years prior.she was stolen at birth by king gaius damora and raised as his daughter. her powers finally came to her when she turned sixteen years of age; elemential magic, something that she had only ever head stories of: something that was banned in her kingdom. first came the accidental freezing of her pet rabbit, water magic, she later realised. then the death of her father's mistress when she threw her against the wall with nothing but a gust of wind. air magic. she soon discovers that she is able to wield all four types of elementia: wind, air, earth & water. talents which have not been heard of since the original sorceress, eva.pleased that lucia's magic has finally come into reality, gaius uses it for his own gain: first making her undo the protection spell on the auranos castle so he can storm it & then with uncovering and locating the kindred: four stones for each of the elements, which would allow the user to possess the magic.

but lucia falls for a man in her dreams, a golden man that's been watching her since she was born, and when he comes to her in reality;, she ends up eloping with him. its only then when he reveals that he has been compelled to kill her, with magic so powerful that he has no ability to fight it off. to save her, he kills himself, leaving her alone, unmarried, pregnant with his child, and left to survive on her own.she is kind-hearted, passionate, and brave, but is also fairly naive. the majority of people she comes into contact with uses this to their advantage, and she is manipulated and used on several occasions. because of this, she becomes more severe and more closed off to to the world, and rarely grants people her trust.


falling kingdoms.

canon verse, open.

lucia is the prophesied sorceress, destined to bring elementia back to mytica. threads here can follow the plotline of any of the books, or in a post series setting, where lucia helps to look after limeros & paelsia, attempting to undo the damage she caused.


au verse, open.

lucia is the daughter of multi millionaire, gaius damora, who runs ravencrest ltd. she’s raised in a bleak, strict home, and slowly starts breaking the rules more and more as she gets older. alternate options: she’s sent to strict boarding schools growing up in an attempt to keep her well behaved. in some verses, she ends up falling pregnant at the age of 18, after a series of mistakes made on drunken nights out. she raises this baby on her own, without help from her family after disowning her father & his wealth.

undercover princess.

au verse, open.

set in a modern world, lucia is sent to a city along with her brother in order to "blend in" as a regular human when a threat is placed in limeros.

harry potter.

au verse, open.

lucia is born to one of the descendants from the sacred 28 families, but is stolen at birth by gauis damora and is adopted into a proud, pureblood family. she is accepted into hogwarts and placed into ravenclaw and is exceptionally studious. however, her magic is particularly weak up until her 14th birthday, where she starts to become one of the most powerful witches in the school. like magnus, she is forced to choose between her family, or helping bring down the dark lord. more info can be found here!

star wars.

au verse, open.

lucia is stolen from her parents at birth and raised by gaius damora, making her the princess of limeros, a kingdom within the planet mytica. she is force sensitive, however this is kept a secret and she is trained in secret. she is taught to indulge in the dark side of the force, and becomes the strongest sith in limeros. however, as her strength grows, so does her curiosity and desire for power, and she soon starts wanting to become more than just her kingdom’s main weapon. notes: this can fit into any star wars timeline and can be tweaked & amended where required! more info can be found here!

modern sorceress.

au verse, open.

can either follow with magnus' tvd verse (set in the 1800s ), where lucia is a witch, or can follow a modern setting where lucia discovers her own powers. her magic is elements based, meaning that she can wield fire, control air, control water & control earth (which allows her to heal others.) she tries to find someone who can help her understand & use these powers, but also tries to keep herself hidden from anyone that may harm her.

gallagher girls.

au verse, open.

lucia is sent to the gallagher academy for exceptional young women, where she learns all the skills required to become a spy. she joins a government body soon after & undertakes missions.


au verse, open.

follows a similar format as the modern verse. she starts adopting a more independent life while undertaking a fashion degree & is testing the limits with how far she can go.

modern royal.

au verse, open.

lucia is the princess of limeros, a kingdom within an island off europe. she attends charity events with her family across the world, but hopes to break free from her rule someday.


name: ㅤerika aanenson.
age: ㅤtbd.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the bassist.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤthea sofie loch næss.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤnone.
close connections: ㅤember as written by ivy on @starlcved.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤcollege dropout.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤnorwegian.
occupation: ㅤbassist for LVCENTIA.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.




falling kingdoms.

canon verse, open.

lucia is the prophesied sorceress, destined to bring elementia back to mytica. threads here can follow the plotline of any of the books, or in a post series setting, where lucia helps to look after limeros & paelsia, attempting to undo the damage she caused.


name: ㅤlily marie carlson.
age: ㅤ23.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤwerewolf.

❝ the wolf.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤcharli xcx.

parents: ㅤjessie holland (father), rose carlson (mother), layton cooper (step father).
siblings: ㅤmaddie cooper (step sister, younger), william cooper (step brother, younger)

date of birth: ㅤ20th april.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤchicago, usa.
ethnicity: ㅤtbd.
occupation: ㅤmechanic, bartender & anything else that pays the bills.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** divorce, sickness.you were born to jessie and rose holland and you had a relatively normal childhood. you'd go out together, do things as a family; making memories together that you never thought would end. it wasn't until you were six that you really started to notice the arguments.it was just bickering at first. small disagreements, nothing major. but then they became more frequent. hushed shouts while you huddled under blankets. hoping, wishing that it would all just stop. you always thought that they'd be able to figure it out. that you'd be able to go back to being a happy family once more. but then they told you that they were getting a divorce.your father left at age nine. he promised you that it wasn't what he wanted, and said that he'd visit you as much as you could. but just a few years after, your mother remarries and moves you to a different state with the man that you were now supposed to call 'dad', along with your three step siblings.you never really got on with any of them. always being the odd one out, the outcast. defending your father with every opportunity you got.your mother wanted so much more from you. she expected you to become the perfect daughter. but no amount of girly dresses and dance classes could ever make you want that for yourself. by age sixteen, you have enough and pack your bags. you travel across the country until you find your dad again, and you finally feel like you're home.

his living conditions are far from ideal. just a tiny flat above a bar with barely any space for one. but it's so much better than any fancy bedroom you could've had back with your mother.you enrol in the local school and work part time at the local garage as soon as they allow you to, desperate to learn everything you can.your father introduces you to the gang he's a part of, the southside serpents, and you know you want to join someday. they're terrifying to meet, but gentle at heart, and once you hit eighteen, you begin your initiation.you complete every step without failure, but it's the last that's the biggest sacrifice. with a bite, you become a werewolf. forever bound to their pack.they teach you how to control your abilities, and you soon start living a regular life again. your father's health starts to decline though, and he's soon out of a job. needing to cover rent and bills, you take on any job that you can; working at the mechanic and the bar mostly, but you fill any spare time with any paid errands, desperate to make ends meet. you put him first always, no matter how much you sometimes wish for more.



canon verse, open.

lily is juggling multiple jobs and trying to make ends meet as much as possible. she'll do whatever she can to pick up extra cash.

teen wolf.

canon verse, open.

same canon, just set in beacon hills!


name: ㅤfelix gaebras.
age: ㅤ24.
gender: ㅤmale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the assassin.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤalex pettyfer.

parents: ㅤchris argent (@starlcved) & evelyn gaebras.
siblings: ㅤbessie adams (adopted sister as found on @starlcved), 4 older brothers, 1 younger sister (chloe) & 1 half sister (allison)

date of birth: ㅤauranos.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlimeros, mytica.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤassassin.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** torture, loss of parents.a boy who never knew much love. orphaned at the age of 6, the memories of his family all but a distant blur of violence, the men that killed them taking him in as one of his own soon after. he wasn't aware of his true father, or that he still lived: his mother's affair a secret that died with her.life under the clan of the cobra was brutal; moving to limeros, the kingdom of blood and ice, training from the age of age 6, killing from the age of 11. all for king gaius; able to get where his other men able to charm and manipulate and sneak his way into places. a charming little boy, but a deadly one too. and how he grew into a vicious man.becoming one of the main men the king came to rely on, he was tasked with one of the most important missions: killing the rebel leader, jonas agallon.it should've been easy, but upon meeting him, felix realised that he was on the wrong side of the war. saving him from an attack and pledging his alliance to him, he joined jonas and the rebels to help bring down king gaius damora. well, until they found out the truth about him anyway.

discovering the truth of his origins, the rebel cause turn him out and felix ends up returning to gaius. joining him on his trip to kraeshia, he then falls in love with the emperor's daughter; amara. a love that would ruin him completely, ending up framed for the murder of her family & taken to a cell where he was tortured for weeks on end, losing an eye in the process.finally realising that he could be trusted, jonas and the rebels rescue felix and he fully denounces his ties to the clan of the cobra; cutting off the serpent tattoo to his arm, removing all trace of them completely. returning back to mutica with the rebels, he works alongside them once more; staying with them this time, even after the king is eventually dead, and the peace to the kingdom is restored.


falling kingdoms.

canon verse, open.

follows the plot of the books and can be set anywhere in the timeline. felix is an assassin for the clan of the cobra who then ends up joining & helping the rebels. post series: felix is the main assassin & security guard for cleo & magnus.


au verse, open.

after bouncing around several orphanages growing up (and building a strong familial connection with another orphan, bessie, who he ends up deeming his younger sister) felix ends up barely making his way through school and practically penniless. he takes on whatever job he can find, but never sticks in one place for long.


au verse, open.

after bouncing around several orphanages growing up, felix trains to become a bodyguard , and is sent to look after some of the most elite people, including celebrities and royals.


au verse, open.

follows the same concept as the regular modern verse, but ends up with felix becoming a part of the clan of the cobra, a small assassin group within gaius damora’s criminal gang. here, felix completes any task that’s required of him. from tailing & doing whatever it takes to get information, to “dealing” with targets. he is vicious, quick and exceptionally good.


au verse, open.

after discovering the group that his parents were rallying to take down O.R.I.O.N, felix’s family were murdered in front of his eyes at age 6 & raised in orphanage 08 , one of the many orphanages run by the organisation O.R.I.O.N . at the age of 14, he was placed into project ophiuchus: an experiment to see whether humans could be trained to be fully compliant assassins without the need of a serum . he is sent on various missions under this project , killing whoever he is ordered to and doing everything that he is asked in order to impress his superiors . he is ruthless , strong , exceptionally loyal and is considered to be a success of the project .

supernatural hunter.

au verse, open.

(can be set in tvd or teen wolf lore or in any lore with supernatural creatures!) after ending up in a home in beacon hills, felix becomes more and more curious about the supernatural events that keep occuring. one of his investigations quickly goes downhill and he is saved by chris argent (as written by ivy on @starlcved). after this incident, he convinces chris to teach him how to fight back, and he is taken under his wing, taught how to be a supernatural hunter.

star wars

au verse, open.

felix is an orphan who was taken in by guards in the kingdom limeros and raised as a bounty hunter. he joins the infamous clan of the cobra, an exceptionally skilled group of bounty hunters who operate under king gaius’ orders. however, when being sent after rebel leader, jonas agallon, felix decides to abandon his duties entirely, making a life for himself as a bounty hunter and smuggler, always travelling around the universe and never settling . eventually , he decides to help the resistance , offering his services to them so that they can take down the first order. moodboard can be found here!

harry potter

au verse, open.

born to two aurors, felix grew up in a magical world until the age of 6, when his parents & siblings were murdered before his very eyes by a dark wizard taking revenge. he was shipped off to a muggle orphanage for safety, where no one would ever believe his tales of magic or the things he had seen. there, he befriends another girl: bessie, who he ends up claiming as his sister. at age 11, he is accepted into hogwarts and sorted into gyffindor. it pained him to be away from bessie, but he writes as often as he can, and the following year she ends up joining him in the same house. he isn’t the most studious person & struggles greatly with the majority of the classes, but he enjoys the life & atmosphere at hogwarts and tries his best to make friends & to fit in as much as he possibly can. patronus: king cobra.


name: ㅤrivika.
age: ㅤthousands of years.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤimmortal sorceress.

❝ the great and cunning.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤa scar from his left ear to his mouth.
face claim: ㅤinbar lavi.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤtbd.
titles: enchantress, witch, the great and cunning.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤveisoa.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤsorceress.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**note:** this character is heavily inspired by & based off the tales of *circe*, the greek goddess, however headcanons & lore have been created by myself.you were always told that you should be more grateful . but the lack of love from your parents & the ongoing torment from your siblings made that exceptionally difficult for you . yes , you grew up in luxury : a large , open palace , staff attending your every need , all the food & presents & everything you could ever want at your fingertips . you came from a strong family , a known family ; one that would be talked about in legends from years to come . but you never felt like you belonged there , and so things were different for you .you mostly kept to yourself ; wandering the palace alone , exploring secret passageways , reading and going outside to explore . the outside world always felt safer to you . you felt more natural out there ; like it called to you . but back then , it just added to the long list of things that made you an outsider to your family .it wasn't until you were due to marry that things truly took a turn for the worse. he seemed lovely at first ; beautiful , cunning , charming . he treated you well ; took you on glorious dates , brought you the most memorising gifts. you fell in love with him more than you could ever have expected , but there was only one issue with this : he was mortal and you were not.this couldn't be ! you said to yourself . you couldn't lose him someday ! that would've ruined you . so you prayed . you went to your favourite spot in the grounds and you prayed and you begged and you pleaded to whoever might be out there in the universe listening . you clutched every healing property you'd discovered within your fingertips and you begged until your throat ran dry and your fingers bled .much to your surprise : it worked .your beautiful , alluring man was shrouded in a golden light and when it faded , he was left behind as an immortal being . you'd saved him . you had made him yours until the end of time . or so you thought .you found him celebrating his transformation with another woman . a wretch , you thought at the time , although later you realised that she wasn't the one to blame . you had given him everything , and still he had decided humiliate you . a mistake that he would come to regret .

you gathered up as much poison as you could muster ; water hemlock , belladonna , white snakeroot --- anything that existed around your home . you knew that nothing could kill an immortal , not even one that you created yourself , but you couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to alter an immortal's life somehow .you took him to the beach where you first met and led him into the poisoned water . you held him down with a hand on his arm and chanted the first words that came to you , and his form began to change before your very eyes .from one head spouted six others , and from a regular form , now towered a cliff sized man . now bound to the ocean , he was swept away into it , taken to the depths where he would reign as a fearsome monster ; destined to cause terror upon any man who dared to sail past him . you were satisfied with this change , glad to have revenge at last . your family were not .unable to kill you , they shipped you off instead , exiling you to a magical island named veiosa . you were its first resident , but others soon joined : other woman who , like you , had committed some "crime" their families wanted to punish them for . they never stayed long , but you helped them if they so desired it . and if they didn't , you kept your distance .you fixed the decrepit palace on the island and tamed the animals , and over time you learnt more about your magic and how to utilise it . you helped those who washed up onto the shore ; mortals and immortals alike , heroes , regular sailors and just random people who had somehow slipped past the magical boundaries on the island . most were grateful for your help , but others wished to abuse it . one group in particular , a rowdy group of sailors , caused far too many problems for you , and so you turned them into pigs .from then on , any visitor to the island was fed enchanted food & wine . if they behaved , they were allowed to keep their form . but if they dared caused an issue ... well , you had a nice pen to keep them in .here , you were safe . here , you began to find yourself . and here is where you will stay until the end of time .



canon verse, open.

rivika is trapped on her island & helps look after any women who are sent as "punishment" or any travellers that may wash up on her shores . she can also be summoned to the mainland by the use of a spell if her services are required .

star wars.

au verse, open.

veisoa is a planet that is hidden for many . veiosoa has a very strong connection to the force & can manipulate life forms within it. tbc.

post exile.

au verse, open.

rivika finds a way to end her exile & heads out into the world, finally able to travel for the first time in her life.


name: ㅤlolita daisy jackson.
age: ㅤ27.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the assassin.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤmegan fox.

parents: ㅤthomas & lavinia jackson.
siblings: ㅤnone.
titles:ㅤbambi (codename)

date of birth: ㅤ31st october.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlondon, england.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤassassin.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** loss of a parent, guns / shooting..darling little girl, your mother was shot when you were only four years old. you saw it happen. you could never forget it. little bambi, they called you. from then on you were taken under your father’s wing, and wasn’t that an adventure?he worked for secret people. people you weren’t allowed to know about. but he taught you everything you did need to know, didn’t he? he taught you how to fight, how to outsmart your opponent. and most importantly: how to kill.at school you were the queen bee. you had expensive tastes and didn’t that show? all the girls wanted to be friends with you, all the guys wanted to be with you. and sure, you may have messed around with a few of them. but none had a match on the boy that came along in the last year of highschool. clarke. the boy that taught you how to love (and that was the *one *thing you weren’t allowed to do.)he was every bit as deadly as you were, but he was your every dream come true. you were brilliant together. no one could ever match the love you had for one another. no one could ever meet the thrill of your relationships; the things you got up to together, the explosive arguments you had. the times spent making up for those, too. everything seemed perfect. the two of you were perfect. but then he died.

you couldn’t save him, no one could. there wasn’t anything that anyone could do to save you either, so you just did what you knew best. focused on your work. friends didn’ mean anything to you anymore. neither did relationships. if anyone dared approach you… well, they’d leave with blood dripping from their face.and now look at you! working for those same secret people that your father did. you’re killing those bad, bad people for money, but not without fucking up their real lives first. you take great joy in taking them down slowly; taking apart every single good thing in their life until they have nothing left. it pays well. you’ve done well for yourself. you're good at what you do, even if you do risk leaving behind a trial sometimes.not many people like you, but that’s okay. you don’t need anyone but yourself and your weapons and your two sweet cats.



canon verse, open.

lolita works as an on hire assassin, taking down her targets by whatever means necessary. on her spare time, she can probably be found training, drinking, or causing some kind of problem somewhere.

teen wolf.

au verse, open.

same canon, but set in beacon hills! could also follow a timeline whereby lola become's a supernatural hunter rather than an assassin!

the 100.

au verse, open.

lola's mother was floated when she was four. her father was a cruel guard, and tried to teach lola his sadistic manner of ruling, helping her to get into the cadet program once she was old enough.

gallagher girls.

au verse, open.

same canon, but lola attends the gallagher academy instead of a regular school. can involve her working for mi6 afterwards, rather than becoming an independent assassin.


au verse, open.

follows lola's experience at college, where she's just starting to fully begin her profession while studying on the side. big party girl, lots of chaos and fun alongside a lot of death.

harry potter.

au verse, open.

slyth. tbd.


name: ㅤserena celia van der woodsen.
age: ㅤ26.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the golden girl.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤblake lively.

parents: ㅤwilliam & lily van der woodsen.
siblings: eric van der woodsen.
titles:ㅤs, queen s, golden girl, svdw.

date of birth: ㅤ14th july 1991.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤmanhatten, new york..
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤsocialite.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.



canon verse, open.

follows the main events of the show & can be set anywhere between seasons 1-6. note: i am canon divergent from the season finale and don't include serena's marriage to dan in her story.

post main.

canon verse, open.

can span several careers such as film production, wardrobe work, fashion or just general socialite!

teen wolf.

au verse, open.

spotted: serena van der woodsen, bags in hand, en route to the sleepy town of beacon hills. come on s, was the fight with b really too bad to handle? are you sure this is where you want to go? let's hope our it girl can find a way to survive all these strange disappearances! forest chic? maybe another year!


au verse, open.

looks like queen s has packed her bags and is off to brown at last! will she survive her classes? or will this just become another excuse to party and meet some frats? stay tuned for all the latest updates!

the vampire diaries.

au verse, open.

has anyone noticed something... off about our it girl since her return from mystic falls? something about that ring just doesn't sit right with me! tips needed asap!


name: ㅤedmund ainley.
age: ㅤ25.
gender: ㅤmale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the ghost hunter.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤnicholas hoult.

parents: ㅤesmund & captain ainley (mother and father), arthur kipps (step father).
siblings: isobel, oliver & will.
titles:ㅤed, eddie.

date of birth: ㅤ1st november.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤghost hunter.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**note:** this character is based off the 'edmund ainley' in susan hill's book: *the women in black*, but the biography below mostly stems from my own headcanons.

**tw:** loss of a parent, grief.you grew up in a quaint village in england with your two older brothers, your older sister and your parents. you always had your nose in a book, eager to learn anything and absolutely everything, whether that was mechanics, history, maths or literature. your father used to bring you books back from his travels, and reading them and studying together was one of your favourite things to do. but that all changed when you were nine.the death of your father hit you hard, and you found yourself isolating from the rest of your family, hiding away in your room, reading always, pouring over every book he ever gave you as you tried to figure out a way to go on without him.a few years pass and your mother finds another man: arthur kipps. you were resentful of him at first: you didn’t want a replacement father. no one could ever fill that role for you. but there was something… peculiar about him; a sadness in his eyes that you felt like you could relate to. slowly but surely, you started to allow him into your life and you began to reunite with your family and friends, and for the first time in years, you started to feel like yourself again.

just after you turned 17, you found an old battered book in Arthur’s desk. You soon realised that it was his old diary. It contained details of his past marriage and child, and the story of the Woman in Black, who killed them.the details of the diary troubled you immensely. you had always been interested in supernatural beings and had read hundreds of books on the different types of, but you never truly believed they were real until you read the diary. you were terrified. Not just for fear that you may encounter a supernatural being, but for the safety of yourself and your family.you vowed to track down any and all known supernatural beings, and to protect your family at all costs.



canon verse, open.

edmund travels around chasing any story he can of any ghost or supernatural happenings.


name: ㅤvalentina fox.
age: ㅤ27.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman / gorgon.

❝ the gorgon.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤbrown.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤdakota johnson.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: tbd.
close connections: maya as written by ivy on @starlcved.
nicknames:ㅤval, v.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤforensic anthropologist.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.





canon verse, open.



name: ㅤemma duval.
age: ㅤ22.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the final girl.

eyes: ㅤgreen.
hair: ㅤdirty blonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤwilla fitzgerald.

parents: ㅤmaggie & kevin duval.
siblings: piper shaw (half sister).
nicknames:ㅤem, ems.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlakewod, usa.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤstudent, barista.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** gore, death, torture.adopted into the popular crowd, emma loses touch with her old best friend and starts a new life for herself. she doesn’t quite fit in, but she tries her best to, and she ends up dating the most sought after boy in school: will. she gives everything to him, thinking that he cared about her as much as she did him, but after tensions begin to rise and their mutual friend nina ends up dead, she finds out that he had been cheating on her and they break up.while trying (and failing) to reconcile with her old best friend audrey, she receives a call from an unknown number. “hello, emma.” the robotic voice says. she asks who it is, and he says that he’s a friend. realising that the person on the line is watching her, she begins to freak out. “i know the truth.” he says. “i’m the one who’s going to lift the mask.”then another person ends up dead.people keep dying. she keeps on getting phone calls. she begs with the killer to stop, she tells him that she refuses to keep on playing his games. but he leaves her with a question. which of her friends should he go after? riley or brooke?thinking that riley is safely within the sheriff's department, she pleads with the killer to not harm brooke. riley is the next person to die.not long after that, tyler’s body is found.4 people dead. 2 of them being her friends. and the killer is nowhere close to being done.

the game keeps on. more calls are taken, more “presents” are received. all sorts of secrets are coming to light, from tales of her mother’s history to the truth behind why she was suddenly accepted into the popular crowd. more drama ensues; a sex tape of her and her ex is leaked to the school & her friends are all dealing with their own difficult lives. together, they try to figure out the killer, playing into his games.then she receives another call & is told to go to a specific location alone.there she finds her ex boyfriend, will, strapped to a running tractor/chainsaw contraption. she tries to run to release him, but she trips a wire, activating the machine. and she is left to watch her ex boyfriend get sliced apart.the games go on and on, more lives taken as it goes, until eventually she convinces the killer to meet her on her own. “no more masks, no more games.” she demands. the killer reveals herself to be her half sister, piper, and after a struggle on the dock, she is eventually shot dead (once by emma’s friend, audrey, and the second & final time by emma herself.)the killer is dead. the events are over. 6 were killed in total.emma leaves for 3 months to undergo treatment for her trauma. but after she finally returns to lakewood, it appears that the second round is only just beginning.



canon verse, open.

follows the events of the show and can be fit in at any point.

harry potter.

au verse, open.

half-blood emma is sorted into hufflepuff upon her arrival to hogwarts.


au verse, open.

emma goes off to college to study psychology, hoping to become a therapist someday.



canon verse, open.

follows the events of either of the two frozen films.



canon verse, open.



name: ㅤblake robinson.
age: ㅤ29.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the actress.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤblonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤcarlson young.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤnone.
nicknames: ㅤb.
close connections: theodore & kitty as written by ivy on @starlcved.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlos angeles, california
ethnicity: ㅤtbd.
occupation: ㅤactress.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.





name: ㅤEilsha Aldaviel
age: ㅤ60 (appears late twenties/early thirties).
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤelf.

❝ the healer.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤblonde.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤbrooke williams.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤtbd.
nicknames: ㅤtbd.
close connections: ㅤpyria as written by ivy on starlcved.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤtbd.
occupation: ㅤhealer.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.





age: ㅤ27.
gender: ㅤmale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the ice skater.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤbrown.
complexion: ㅤtbd.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤchay suede.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤtbd.
nicknames: ㅤtbd.
close connections: ㅤsage as written by ivy on starlcved.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤtbd.
occupation: ㅤprofessional ice skater.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.





name: ㅤelsa oldenburg.
age: ㅤ24.
gender: ㅤfemale.
sexuality: homosexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the fifth spirit.

eyes: ㅤblue.
hair: ㅤwhite.
complexion: ㅤpale.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤagnete johnsen.

parents: ㅤagnarr & iduna oldenburg.
siblings: ㅤanna oldenburg.
pets: ㅤbruni & the nokk.
titles: the fifth spirit, queen / princess of arendelle (formerly).

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤthe enchanted forest.
ethnicity: ㅤnorthuldrian.
occupation: ㅤtbd.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.





name: ㅤiaxic eres.
age: ㅤ28.
gender: ㅤmale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the knight.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: tanned.
distinguishing features: ㅤtbd.
face claim: ㅤfabien frankel.

parents: ㅤtbd.
siblings: ㅤnone.
pets: ㅤnone.
titles: knight.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤtbd.
ethnicity: ㅤtbd.
occupation: ㅤformer farmer, current knight to mohandai (as written by ivy.)

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.




name: ㅤmagnus lukas damora.
age: ㅤ24.
gender: ㅤmale.
sexuality: bisexual.
species: ㅤhuman.

❝ the prince of blood.

eyes: ㅤbrown.
hair: ㅤblack.
complexion: ㅤpale.
distinguishing features: ㅤa scar from his left ear to his mouth.
face claim: ㅤmatthew daddario.

parents: ㅤgaius & althea damora.
siblings: ㅤlucia damora (adopteD).
pets: ㅤvaloria (cat, tvd versE).
titles: prince magnus, prince of blood.

date of birth: ㅤtbd.education: ㅤtbd.
residence: ㅤlimeros, mytica.
ethnicity: ㅤinfo here
occupation: ㅤprince.

physical conditions: ㅤtbd.
mental health: ㅤtbd.
zodiac: ㅤtbd.
alignment: ㅤtbd.
mbti: ㅤtbd.

notable skills: ㅤNunc mollis eu turpis eu fringilla. Vivamus iaculis, sem non lobortis aliquet, magna mi porttitor nisl, in lacinia sapien magna non nisl. In mollis malesuada euismod. Sed sollicitudin efficitur.

**tw:** incest & emotional & physical abuse.magnus is the crown prince of limeros, son of king gaius damora and queen althea damora. he is intelligent, composed, and good with a sword, however he can be extremely cold in nature to those he meets. he suffers through a great deal of mental and physical abuse throughout his upbringing from his father, gaius. an example of this left him with a lifelong scar; extending from his left ear to the side of his mouth from where his father cut him with a dagger.he was destined to take over his father’s role as a cruel leader and was nicknamed the “prince of blood” because of this. he ends up developing feelings for his adopted sister, lucia, who is the only person who ever shows him kindness growing up. these feelings disgust him and eventually he overcomes them.magnus is always on the lookout for information about his father and his plans, and hopes to take over the throne as soon as he possibly can.

Quisque at mattis urna. Suspendisse maximus justo vel imperdiet venenatis. Mauris volutpat dui at metus finibus tristique. Quisque quis ex nisi. Integer vel auctor diam. Aenean in commodo tortor. Fusce placerat placerat sem, vel pharetra urna interdum vitae. Sed blandit malesuada nulla tempus vestibulum.Fusce rutrum finibus ante non malesuada. Vestibulum laoreet bibendum velit et lacinia. Phasellus iaculis suscipit metus, sit amet congue sem elementum sed. Praesent hendrerit posuere pellentesque.Nam non turpis lectus. Sed lacinia dui erat, sed interdum odio ullamcorper et. Vivamus at aliquam nisi, ut sagittis metus. Aliquam vehicula lobortis pretium. Praesent a leo odio. Integer metus sapien, egestas ut purus eget, finibus aliquet tellus.Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean consectetur, lorem eget pharetra lobortis, sem lectus interdum arcu, et efficitur mauris sapien ut urna.



falling kingdoms.

canon verse, open.

follows the plot of the books & can be set at any point in the timeline, including post series (where magnus is ruling over mytica with cleo.)


au verse, open.

magnus is the son of multi millionaire, gaius damora, who runs ravencrest ltd, a large financial firm. he is expected to take over the company once he is of age, but the more he learns about the company and its unethical practices, the less involvement he wants with it. over time, he starts to find ways to take the company down, helping lawyers gather incriminating evidence from the inside, going completely against his father’s name.


au verse, open.

follows on from the events of the modern verse, but involves magnus studying a degree he hates an ivy league university while dealing with the pressure his father is placing on his shoulders.

undercover prince.

au verse, open.

set in a modern setting, where limeros is a small, mostly unheard of kingdom within the island "mytica." a threat is placed on the kingdom, and lucia and magnus are both sent into the "real" world so that they will be safe. magnus undertakes a job at a department store, and tries his best to blend in.

harry potter.

au verse, open.

the damoras are from a line of pureblood witches and wizards, who are extremely proud of their heritage. magnus is sent to hogwarts at age 11 and is placed into slytherin. he’s cruel, smart and cunning, and will do anything he needs to make it out on top. it’s not until his later school years that he discovers that his father is a death eater, and he has an extremely important choice to make. stand with his family? or defy them to help bring down voldemort?


au verse, open.

the damoras are from a line of pureblood witches and wizards, who are extremely proud of their heritage. magnus is sent to hogwarts at age 11 and is placed into slytherin. he’s cruel, smart and cunning, and will do anything he needs to make it out on top. it’s not until his later school years that he discovers that his father is a death eater, and he has an extremely important choice to make. stand with his family? or defy them to help bring down voldemort?

star wars.

au verse, open.

magnus is the prince of limeros, a kingdom within the planet mytica, which provides resources to the first order (or the empire depending on time setting). he helps protect his sister, lucia, while she is still developing her force abilities, and undertakes anything necessary to keep his kingdom safe. when lucia runs away, he pays a pilot, alluria, to get him out of the kingdom to find and bring back his sister, travelling across the galaxy & doing whatever he can to find information on her whereabouts.


au verse, open.

after wearing the bloodstone ring for an extended period of time (which grants the user immortality while wearing) magnus is stuck with its magic and cannot die regardless of whether he’s wearing it or not. this verse can be placed during any timeline or other verse, and follows on from the events of the falling kingdoms series post cleo’s death.


au verse, open.

after an incident where he was kidnapped & buried alive, magnus is turned into a vampire at age 20 in the 1800s. he lives in the damora manor with his father, gaius, whose blood had turned him & his sister lucia, a witch. when his father invades another estate, he is forced to marry its heir: cleiona bellos who is a human at the time, but eventually is turned into a vampire. he ends up falling for cleiona & believes her to have done the same, however he later finds out that her love was a lie & that she was just manipulating him. after she is killed, he switches his humanity off and roams the world, cutting himself off from his family & everyone else he knows. in modern time, he is back on the damora estate, living there by himself now that his father is in hiding & his sister is off doing her own thing. he wears a bloodstone ring, which grants him immunity from all types of death, however this gives him severe hallucinations of his lost ones.

modern royal.

au verse, open.

magnus is the prince of limeros, a small kingdom based in an island off europe. he travels around with his family for events & undertakes royal business where required.


gossip girl.

+ crossover verses.

serena van der woodsen / canon / secondary.
nate archibald / canon / private.

falling kingdoms

+ crossover verses.

magnus damora / canon / primary.
felix gaebras / canon / primary.
lucia damora / canon / secondary.
evelyn gaebras / oc / requestable.


+ crossover verses.

juliet thorn / oc / primary.

mtv's scream

+ crossover verses.

emma duval / canon / secondary.


+ crossover verses.

elsa oldenburg / canon / secondary.

st trinians

+ crossover verses.

erika AANENSON / canon / secondary.


+ crossover verses.

EILSHA ALDAVIEL / oc / secondary.
sorsha / canon / secondary.

star wars

+ crossover verses.

IAXIC ERES / oc / secondary.


+ crossover verses.

rivika / sorceress oc / primary.
madison ives / fandomless oc / primary.
lily carlson / werewolf oc / secondary.
valentina fox / oc / secondary.
blake robinson / actress oc / secondary.
LUIZ AZEVEDO / ice skater oc / secondary.

secret muses.

these are muses that i will only write with close friends in plotted situations for the time being. please do not request them for starters/memes etc unless we have already spoken about them. thank you!

stranger things

+ crossover verses.

steve harrington / canon / private.

falling kingdoms

+ crossover verses.

gaius damora / canon / private.

falling kingdoms

+ crossover verses.

gaius damora / canon / private.
alexander gaebras / oc / private.

gallagher girls

+ crossover verses.

macey mchenry / canon / private.

red white and royal blue

+ crossover verses.

henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor / canon / private.


+ crossover verses.

lolita jackson / assassin oc / private.
tom jackson / assassin oc / private.
kylo ren / ben solo / crossover based / private.
edmund ainley / ghost hunter oc / private.

mains & exclusives

chris argent@starlcvedexclusive
melissa mccall@starlcvedexclusive
clarke griffin@pyrrhicmessiahexclusive
multiple muses@starlcvedmains
multiple muses@sanglunaemains
luca madon@fulcrcmmains
opal rose@terrarenatamains
marlene mckinnon@astramarismains